5 Tips/Tactics to Boost Your IELTS Listening Score


Many IELTS aspirants face problems in getting good scores in listening exam. Why? Because during the exam the students can listen to the audio file only once. This makes it a little difficult for students to get a good band in the test. However, there are a few tips/tactics that you can follow that will help you perform well in the exam. Keeping this in mind, today we are going to share with you the five tips/tactics to boost your IELTS listening score

Here’s how you can get a decent score in the listening exam without any difficulty.

Prepare Yourself in Advance

Just like school students many IELTS aspirants try to revise, learn and memorize everything before the exam. However, this is one of the worst ways to prepare for the English proficiency exam. As a result, you may struggle to get a good score on the test. Thus if, you seek to get a good score on the test then make sure you prepare yourself for the listening exam in advance. Moreover, make sure you don’t only rely on audio files available online for preparation for the listening exam. You can also listen to podcasts, TED talks to prepare yourself for the test. So, do prepare yourself in advance for the exam if you seek to perform well during the exam. To learn how to prepare for the listening test more effectively feel free to join our IELTS Coaching Classes Chandigarh.

Read the Questions First

In the exam, you get some time to go through the questions before the examiner plays the audio file. However, most students make the mistake of not utilizing this time properly. They give importance to listening to the audio file instead of reading questions. But this is not a wise thing to do and may impact your performance in the exam. So, make sure you read the questions before listing to the audio file. Why? Because you will get a chance to hear the audio file only once. Thus, if you are familiar with the questions then you can easily find answers to them while listening to the audio file. So, make sure you read the questions before listening to the recorded audio file. This tip will be very beneficial for you and will ensure that you can perform well during the exam.

Make Notes

As you listen to the audio file make sure you write your answers in the test booklet and make notes. Once you are done transfer your answers at the end of the exam. Why you must make notes? You should make notes because you will get only 10 minutes to transfer your answers. Thus, if you don’t make notes then you would struggle to transfer your answers within 10 minutes. However, if you make notes then you would be able to easily solve this problem. So, make sure you make notes during the listing exam if you seek to score decent marks in the exam. Apart from this, once you transfer your answers make sure you check them to see if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes in them. Answers with grammar mistakes mean low marks in the exam. Thus, make sure you check all your answers if you don’t want to get low marks in the exam.

Listen for Keywords

Many students get anxious when they hear in the audio file something that they don’t understand. However, you must not worry if you don’t completely understand all the things you hear in the audio file. Just listen out for the words that were present in the questions. Why? Because if you do this you would be able to easily answer all questions in the exam. Moreover, if you are unable to answer a question don’t dwell on it and move to the next question. This will ensure that you don’t end up wasting your entire time trying to answer one particular question.

Follow the Word Count

Most students in an attempt to impress the examiner forget about the word count while writing answers. However, this is not a wise thing to do if you plan to get a decent score in the listening exam.  Moreover, you may even lose marks if you don’t answer the questions as per the given instructions. So, make sure you keep in mind the word count while writing your answers in the listening exam. By doing this you can enhance your chances of getting decent marks in the IELTS exam. To learn how to make your answers more effective in the exam feel free to join our IELTS Coaching Classes Gurgaon.


Now you are aware of all the key tips that can help you perform well in the listening exam. So, make sure you utilize these tips if you are someone who has to appear for the listening exam. Using these tips will help you a lot in performing well in the English proficiency exam.

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