7 Best Tips to Write a Great Letter for IELTS Writing Task 1


Writing a good letter for the IELTS writing task 1 is not that easy. This is why many students struggle to get good marks in writing task 1. Luckily, there are a few tips you can follow to write a great letter for writing task 1. Keeping this in mind, today we are sharing with you the seven best tips to write a good letter for IELTS writing task 1.

Here’s how you can write a good letter for writing task 1.

State the Purpose

If you want to write a good letter then you must start your letter by stating its purpose. Your opening paragraph must clearly state the reason for writing the letter. But make sure you write the purpose in your writing as per the instructions of the question. Why? Because you may lose marks if your writing does not match the instructions of the question. So, make sure you keep the instructions of the question in mind while writing your answer for writing task 1. To learn about the writing task in more depth/detail feel free to join our IELTS online classes.

Use the Right Tone

Most students make the mistake of not using the right tone for writing task 1. As a result, they struggle to get good marks in the language exam. However, you can easily fix this problem if you use the right tone while writing your letter. You can get an idea about it from the instructions of the question. For instance, if the instructions say that you have to write a formal letter then start your letter with Dear Sir/Madam. Similarly, if you have to write an informal letter then you can start it with Dear [name of the person].

Include Bullet Points

If you want to get high marks in writing task 1 then do you use bullet points in your answer? Why? Because it will make your answer more appealing and attractive. Moreover, it will also leave a good impression on the mind of the invigilator.  So, make sure you use bullet points while writing your task 1 answer. This will help you get good marks in marks in writing task 1.


Another thing you must do to get high marks in task 1 is to keep a check on your grammar. Moreover, you must give attention to your writing style. Why? Because you can’t use the same writing style for both formal and informal letters. For instance, if you are writing an informal letter you can use words like I am writing this letter. Similarly, if you are writing a formal letter then you can use words like I am writing about. So, make sure you use the correct writing style while writing your task 1 answer. This will help you a lot in getting high marks in writing task 1.


If you want to get high marks in letter writing in the language exam then make sure you use your words wisely. Why? Because just like writing style you can’t use the same type of vocabulary for both formal/informal letters. Furthermore, you may even lose your marks if you don’t use the right vocabulary while writing your answer. So, make sure you use the right vocabulary while writing your task 1 answer. It will make your letter more effective. Moreover, it will also increase your chances of getting high marks in task 1.

Spelling and Punctuation

Most students make the mistake of not giving attention to spellings and punctuation marks while writing their answers. As a result, they unnecessarily lose marks in writing task 1. However, you can easily fix this problem by double-checking your spellings and punctuation marks before submitting your answer sheet. So, do keep a check on your spellings/ punctuation marks if you want to get a high score on the writing task. 

Structure and Paragraphs

If you want to make your letter more attractive then you must structure it properly. For this, you can take the help of paragraphs. By using paragraphs in your letter, you can easily improve the readability of your letter. Moreover, it will also make your letter more appealing and attractive.  Besides this, it will also help you leave a good impression on the mind of the examiner. So, make sure you structure your letter properly if you want to do well in writing task 1. To learn about the best ways to structure your writing task 1 answer feel free to join IELTS Coaching Institute in Chandigarh.


There you have it, the seven best tips to write a great letter for writing task 1. So, make sure you follow these tips if you want to get high marks in writing task 1 and write a good letter. If you follow these tips, you can easily write a good letter for writing task 1.

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